Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Sandlot Moment

If you have ever seen The Sandlot, think about Squints and Wendy Peffercorn as you read this story:

This week was teens week at camp and I was lifeguarding for swim time. I was at the pool for five hours that day and I was roasting! I sat down to reapply sunscreen and I started thinking about the Sandlot kids and how they were all in love with Wendy Peffercorn: "oiling and lotioning, lotioning and oiling..." and I laughed to myself. As I looked out at the pool, one of the campers was just floating there at the side and looking at me. I called out to him and asked him what he was doing and he replied, "staring at you." Taken aback, I asked why. He gave me a little smile and said "you know why." I didn't really know how to respond to that, I just laughed it off and looked around to see if anyone else was witnessing this.

Just a minute later I overheard this conversation between David*, the camper, and, Flipper, one of the counselors:
Flipper: Hey David, what're you doing?
David: Staring at the lifeguard.
Flipper: Why? Do you think she's pretty?
David: Yeah, she's smokin' pretty!
Flipper: Well, you'd better be careful, she's married.
David: No she's not.
Flipper: Yes, she is.
David: I don't believe you!

The way the he responded to Flipper's inquiries was so matter-of-fact that it made me almost fall out of my chair laughing. These campers certainly keep me on my toes!

*name has been changed


Karen said...
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Karen said...

Deb! That is hysterical! My favorite part is the "smokin' pretty" part! He sure is right! hahaha..

Katie said...

ha ha! Love it. Maybe you should start wearing the rock on your finger at camp... :)

Rachel said...

ooo...a not so secret admirer! How funny!

Whitney Hardie said...

I L-O-V-E this story! I miss you and can't wait to hang out again. I want to come to your camp.

Do they have a week for neurotic stress cases who clean compulsively and then collapse into a heap of jelly? Anyways, let me know.