Saturday, January 31, 2009

Christmas, a Month Late

Okay, so it takes me awhile to sit down and upload photos for you all to see. Here's what our apartment looked like when it was all decked out for Christmas. We spent hours one Saturday making a tiny paper chain for our tree. After the Christmas decorations came down, we replaced them with some beautiful pictures taken by Whitney that I got Nate for Christmas. They make our dumpy little apartment a bit more classy. Now if I only had walls that weren't made of solid cement I could hang them up!

Happy New Year, I hope it has started off great for everyone!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Homeade Pumpkin Pie

So, this is a long time coming, but a while back Nate and I made some pumpkin pies out of pie pumpkins and we took some photos to document it. The pies were a little stringy, but otherwise quite tasty.

Nate scraping out the seeds

Baked pumpkin chunks.

Scraping out the baked pumpkin

The finished product