Now that I'm not crazy stressed out and spending every spare minute (which for the last few months has been all of them) looking for a job, I can blog! and do cool things that I can then blog about! I know you've all been anxious for my to make a return to the blogging scene. Here's what we've been up to lately.
Since we've been in Hawaii for two months and I until last Friday did not have a job, we've been living in ultra-frugal survival mode. I don't know how many of you have lived in this mode for any length of time, but it requires quite a lot of creativity in certain areas like food sources. Thus, we've been diligent in attending any and all church or school events where food may be present. However, Nate has also taken to foraging on the University of Hawaii campus between classes.
Apparently there are numerous fruit bearing trees on campus and their fruits go unused and are left to fall to the ground and rot. So really, we're doing the university a favor by preventing smelly rot, right? So far Nate has procured a mango, a passion fruit, and a breadfruit. Now, you all know what a mango is, so I won't explain that experience except to say that this was the most amazing mango I've ever had.
The passion fruit was something quite unexpected. It is a small, round, yellowish fruit with a hard, thick skin with a soft, juicy, orange center. You spoon out the orange part and eat it. The flavor was wonderful. The texture can only be compared to slimy boogers with the occasional crunchy seed.
Ours was just like this, but a different variety, so the outside was yellow
The breadfruit I've eaten before, whenever we are at an event with Samoan food, it occasionally shows up. The breadfruit is not a fruit at all, but rather a starchy food, like a potato. Which is the closest comparison I can make. We cut it up, boiled it and served it with coconut milk. It was quite good (I didn't like it the first time I had it, but it has grown on me).
Nate preparing the breadfruit