Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Manu loves books.

 It must be genetically inherited from his Daddy.  He loves looking at books, reading books, and our weekly trip to the library.

Our library has toddler-sized tables near the board books.  These squatty little counters have wooden letter puzzles on them, perfect for a pint-sized library frequenter to play with.  Early on in our library adventures we had a scolding from a worn-out librarian who did not appreciate Manu's rather enthusiastic exploration of the alphabet (In her defense they were all over.  I'm sure she was tired of picking up letters).

We've since made friends with the old librarian, and even though Manu is still sometimes downright boisterous in his pursuit of alphabetical familiarity, she gives us a smile.   And Manu seems to like the library more each week.

But most of all, he loves when Nate is home to read bedtime stories to him.


Rachel said...

Big E loved going to the library, too. Manu looks much older sitting there reading a book. Does he sit a bit longer for stories now?

Deb said...

Yes, he'll sit through as many books as I'm willing to read him. And he definitely has his favorites. If I'm reading a book and he doesn't like it, he simply closes the book and says "the end!"

Sometimes it feels like story time is the only time I can get him to hold still! So naturally, it's one of my favorite times!

Katie said...

How fun! Charlie LOVES reading, but rarely will sit on my lap for it. I am a little jealous of you for that. That is really funny that he says "the end!"