Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Two Months in Only 5 Photos

Well, since I've been terrible at posting lately, here's a brief photo update with a promise of another post to come shortly.

In February we finally got a couch! This futon frame was given to us by a member of our ward. Another friend in the ward gave us a mattress for it a few days later. No more sitting on the floor for us!

This is the beautiful spider orchid that a neighbor gave to me (also a ward member). Within two weeks all the blossoms had fallen off. I think I over-watered it at first, but I don't think it's actually dead. We'll see.

This is Nate thawing and separating a frozen block of 10 whole chickens that were given to us by a member of the ward for us to distribute to other ward members in the building. Since we didn't have room for 10 chickens in our freezer, we had to distribute them immediately and it was rather humorous. Picture me knocking on your door at 9:45pm in my pajamas and offering you a chicken.

Last weekend Nate and I had the wonderful opportunity to fly to Kona on the Big Island for a trip to the temple with our ward.

I seem to have unintentionally created a theme in these pictures. Yes, we love our ward.


leinani45 said...

I'm glad you love your ward...and that you finally have something to sit on! :) Hope all is well!

Whitney Hardie said...

Aaahhh....I'm so excited!

World's best sleep over is going down in just a few weeks!

diana said...

We thought it was funny that you noticed a theme in your postings. We made a comment before we finished reading your blog about how everything came from your ward. Loved seeing the pictures. Did you get your hair cut?

Shawn said...

I'm glad to hear the Ward there takes care of you. It sounds like you have a pretty good Ward.

Merrill said...

Can we have a chicken? Karen says if someone came to our door, dressed in pajamas, and offering a whole chicken, we wouldn't accept unless it was DEB! Then we would probably invite you for fajitas!

Zion is a wonderful thing, a beautiful place. We're glad that you have found Zion in your ward there!

-Merrill& Karen

Deb said...

Whitney - Nate and I have a countdown chain in our living room. We can't wait!

Mom - Yes, I have a new haircut. It looks different every time I get it trimmed.

Shawn and Courney - We love it here, but we miss our Wards in Provo! Hope you two are doing well.

Karen and Merrill - Yes, feel free to stop by any time and get your chicken. We will provide the fajitas.

Katie said...

This post made me smile. I love good wards and I love you. So glad you have a couch. I would take you anytime of the day or night, with or without a chicken.

Sarah said...

Sounds like things are going good. I love that you got free chicken- it made me laugh thinking of you running around with frozen chicken. And since we're not able to visit you this year I'm thinking next year...