Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tahiti Tuesday

And now, the moment you've been waiting for.... TUESDAY! Thanks Steve, for helping me get the videos all sorted out.

We saw some huge sea turtles.

And headed back to the PCC. Here's Joe and Nate at Rapanui (Easter Island).

Whitney and I practiced our Tahitian dancing. Apparently it's all in the knees. My knees do not have it.

The best part though was watching the show at the Tahitian village. They taught the whole audience how to do Tahitian dancing. After we learned, they asked for volunteers and had a competition. Naturally, Whitney and I volunteered Joe and Nate to perform. They were awesome! Check it out:

Here are our dancers in their victory crowns!

These posts really don't do justice to the amazing week we had. Thanks Joe, Whitney and Ellie for coming to visit us!


Whitney Hardie said...

Deb I love this post. I love all these staycation/vacation posts because it brings me back to the joy it was to visit with you.

Ah, so so so so fun!

Shawn said...

Nate, I'm sorry to miss such an awesome display of Tahitian dancing! Deb, thanks for the updates! I love to see them.

Katie said...

Awesome! It is so good that those dances are preserved on film for Elle to watch later.

Merrill said...

Wow. Nate, Joe I never knew you had it in you. That was inspiring. It looks like visiting Easter Island really brought out the Islander blood in each of you. Can you teach me that?