Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Here are our costumes for Halloween this year. We helped with the ward's trunk-or-treat activity and had a great time.

I was a referee and Nate went as a tourist. His costume was awesome. Note the aloha shirt with swim trunks, camera across the shoulder, and long dark socks with Crocs.

Here you can also see the bus map in his shirt pocket. Awesome.

More posts to come this week. Check back!


Whitney Hardie said...

Oh man, Nate's costume is too much! Is there a word that means complete opposite of "kama'aina?"

Oh yes, it's "tourist."

Katie said...

Fun, fun! How did you do trunk-or-treat without a car?

Deb said...

Whitney - I'm so impressed that you remember the word kama'aina.

Katie - We shared our neighbors' car for the trunk-or-treat. We have nice friends who share with us vehicle-less folks. I don't know what we'd do without them.

Rachel said...

Great costumes!