Thursday, June 16, 2011

Deb and the Fe'e

Right now I'm enjoying having my sister and her family in town and there will be lovely posts to come from our adventures around the island. But for now, here's a pic from our tri-stake youth conference in late March. Definitely one of the greatest moments of the conference:

Yes, I'm holding an octopus (a fe'e). Yes, it is very slimy and disgusting and my fingers are where are brain ought to be. Eww.


Karen said...

You are one brave woman Deb! I hope Youth Conference turned out as you hoped it would!

Katie said...

Wow. That is incredibly random and weird. It does beg the question: did you fry it and eat it like calamari?

Deb said...

I definitely did not fry it and eat it, but somebody did. They'd caught it and were taking it home in a ziplock bag for dinner. Just holding it was enough for me!