Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Deb Show

Aloha and welcome to the ward! Today we'll be having the Deb show!

This morning at church I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting. It was about how the Young Women's program has strengthened my testimony. Our whole Young Women's presidency spoke. (I'm the 1st counselor)

Then, I subbed for another teacher and taught the Teacher Development class during Sunday School. We discussed the impact of having Christlike love for those you teach. Only two people came. One was Nate.

And I taught the Mia Maids during Young Women. We learned about making wise choices.

It was crazy. Church has never gone so fast. I was constantly hurrying about to gather chalk, pictures, play prelude, go sit on the stand, etc. Now I can really be grateful for regular Sundays when I only have one lesson to teach.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Amen.


tpmotd said...

Is it a bad thing that that kind of Sunday was my favorite while I was on my mission?

Shawn said...

I'm guessing church life is very different from that of church life in Provo. You are awesome and the Lord is just using your talents where it is needed. Thanks for your great example.

Deb said...

Steve - definitely not. Missionaries should love to grab up every possible teaching opportunity.

Shawn and Courtney - Church is not too different here. There are not nearly as many active people, of course(I feel like our Provo ward was 98% active). But, we love our ward. It's awesome.

Nate said...

It was really just a perfect storm type scenario. It very rarely happens that any person has to play such a major role in the three blocks of meetings.

The activity rate is lower here for many reasons, but the ward is much, much larger than a ward in Provo. On any given Sunday we have many more who attend than could attend at a BYU ward, which are deliberately kept small.

Rachel said...

Wow. That's a crazy Sunday! I'm glad that not every Sunday is like that.

Karen said...

Deb you are awesome! I would have loved to come to the Deb show!