Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Diapering Confession

During my pregnancy Nate and I stocked up on several different kinds of cloth diapers.  They were cute and would save the earth, but above all they were much cheaper for the long haul.  We were pretty gung-ho about it.

Then, I received a Costco-size box of diapers as a gift and I thought, "oh, that'll be nice to have around in emergencies or when I forget to do the laundry."  Then I started saying, "oh, I'll just use these until his piko (bellybutton) is all healed up."  Before I knew it we'd gone through the whole stinkin' box!  There were 216 diapers in there!

But, before we'd quite finished, another set of friends gave us a Costco-size box of diapers as a gift.  (Thanks, friends!)  So I kept using them, and using them, and using them.

Here's the confession:

I've been seduced by disposable diapers: by their ease and convenience, by the lack of laundry they add to my already exploding laundry basket.

When the second box ran low, we went to Costco and bought our own Costco-sized box of diapers.  I felt like I had to smuggle it in to the apartment before anyone saw it.

Here's the other confession:

We've used the cloth diapers for one day.  It was great - no leaks or explosions.  However, Manu was only two weeks old or so at the time and the cloth diapers just looked so huge and bulky I didn't think I'd be able to fit his little onesies over it.  Seriously they made his cute, tiny, little derrière look ginormous!  Oh the vanity!


Will I ever use the drawer full of diapers I've stockpiled to save the world and save myself a bundle of cash?  Yes.  I really think I will.  Just give me a bit until I settle in to this whole mothering thing.  And until my little dear's derrière fits them better.  Then Manu will be rocking' the cloth diapers.


Whitney Hardie said...

Oh, for sure - they go through SO MANY diapers in the newborn days that I think cloth would be super hard. You can switch to cloth later, when he's not having a million bowel movements a day. They will still save you money AND save the earth if you start using them in a couple months.

Katie said...

If it makes you feel any better, everyone I know who uses cloth diapers didn't switch over until about two months. You seriously rock!